Monday, January 2, 2017

Facing the Consequences of Using the N-word, 01/02/2017

The N-word is the most controversial word that exists in present day America. In the slavery and consecutive racial segregation periods, saying "nigger" was normal. Despite its degrading meaning, it was openly used by both races. But as American society evolved, whether white people can use the word, and if they can, then when and how, became a topic of major discussion. 

Isaac Bailey, a journalist in South Carolina and a primary columnist for The Sun News, argues that a white person who uses the n-word, in any context, is more likely to be harmed by it than his intended target. And for that reason, before using the word, white people should ask themselves whether they are ready to suffer whatever consequences might come - a loss of a job, reputation, or relationships - to use the word as freely as some black people do. 

I personally have found myself in a situation where hearing a white person next to me using the n-word made me cringe. I dislike the word in general - and roll my eyes anytime I hear it in conversation or song - but I do recognize that this word belongs to the black community and they can use it as they want. However, the white community should refrain from using the word. When coming out of white person's mouth, the word is hurtful and demeaning, regardless of original intentions. When a black person uses it, it's empowering - they honor what their ancestors went through and celebrate the hard-earned liberty. For the reason of it conveying different meanings depending on the color of the person who uses it, the n-word is the one word that cannot be appropriated, it cannot be shared and cannot be used freely by both races.

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